gruut package


gruut.const module

Shared classes, types, and enums

class gruut.const.BreakNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False, time='')

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Represents a user-specified break


Get number of milliseconds from the time string

Return type


time: str = ''

Length of break in seconds (123s) or milliseconds (123ms)

class gruut.const.BreakType(value)

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Types of sentence breaks

MAJOR = 'major'

Break between sentences

MINOR = 'minor'

Break between phrases

class gruut.const.BreakWordNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False, break_type='', text='', text_with_ws='')

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Represents a major/minor break in the text

break_type: Union[str, gruut.const.BreakType] = ''
text: str = ''
text_with_ws: str = ''
class gruut.const.EndElement(element)

Bases: object

Wrapper for end of an XML element (used in TextProcessor)

element: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
class gruut.const.GetPartsOfSpeech

Bases: object

Get part of speech tags for words

class gruut.const.GraphType

Bases: object

Type wrapper for networkx graph

add_edge(src, dst)

Add a new edge to the graph


Add edges from iterable

add_node(node, **kwargs)

Add a new node to the graph

nodes: Dict[int, Dict[Any, Any]]

Get node data for the graph


Get number of outgoing edges from a node

Return type



Yield outgoing edges from a node

Return type

Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]


Yield nodes from incoming edges

Return type



Remove edges from iterable


Yield nodes on outgoing edges

Return type


class gruut.const.GuessPhonemes

Bases: object

Guess phonemes for word/role

class gruut.const.IgnoreNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False)

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Node should be ignored

node: int
class gruut.const.InlineLexicon(lexicon_id, alphabet='', words=<factory>)

Bases: object

SSML lexicon defined inline (not standards compliant)

alphabet: str = ''
lexicon_id: str
words: Dict[str, Dict[str, Sequence[str]]]
class gruut.const.InterpretAs(value)

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Supported options for interpret-as attribute of <say-as>

CURRENCY = 'currency'

Word should be interpreted as an amount of currency

DATE = 'date'

Word should be interpreted as a date

NUMBER = 'number'

Word should be interpreted as a number

SPELL_OUT = 'spell-out'

Word should be spelled out (abc = a b c)

TIME = 'time'

Word should be interpreted as a time on the clock

WORD = 'word'

Interpret as regular word

class gruut.const.InterpretAsFormat(value)

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Supported options for format attribute of <say-as>

DATE_DMY = 'dmy'
DATE_MD = 'md'
DATE_MDY = 'mdy'
DATE_MY = 'my'
DATE_Y = 'y'
DATE_YM = 'ym'
DATE_YMD = 'ymd'
NUMBER_CARDINAL = 'cardinal'

Cardinal version of number (1 = one)

NUMBER_DIGITS = 'digits'

Number as digits (12 = one two)

NUMBER_ORDINAL = 'ordinal'

Ordinal version of number (1 = first)

NUMBER_YEAR = 'year'

Number as a year (2021 = twenty twenty-one)

class gruut.const.Lexeme(grapheme='', phonemes=None, roles=None)

Bases: object

Entry of an inline lexicon

grapheme: str = ''
phonemes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
roles: Optional[Set[str]] = None
class gruut.const.LookupPhonemes

Bases: object

Look up phonemes for word/role in a lexicon

class gruut.const.MarkNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False, name='')

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Represents a user-specified mark

name: str = ''

Name of the mark

class gruut.const.Node(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False)

Bases: object

Base class of all text processing graph nodes

element: Optional[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] = None
implicit: bool = False
lang: str = ''
node: int
voice: str = ''
class gruut.const.ParagraphNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False)

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Represents a paragraph with SentenceNodes under it

node: int
class gruut.const.PostProcessSentence

Bases: object

Post-process each sentence node after tokenization/phonemization

class gruut.const.PunctuationWordNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False, text='', text_with_ws='')

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Represents a punctuation marker in the text

text: str = ''
text_with_ws: str = ''
class gruut.const.SSMLParsingState(value)

Bases: int, enum.Enum

Current state of SSML parsing


Inside <lexicon>


Inside <lexicon><grapheme>…


Inside <lexicon><phoneme>…


Inside <w> or <token>

class gruut.const.Sentence(idx, text, text_with_ws, text_spoken, par_idx=0, lang='', voice='', words=<factory>, pause_before_ms=0, pause_after_ms=0, marks_before=None, marks_after=None)

Bases: object

Processed sentence from a document

idx: int

Zero-based index of sentence in paragraph

lang: str = ''

Language code

marks_after: Optional[List[str]] = None

User-defined marks that occur after this sentence

marks_before: Optional[List[str]] = None

User-defined marks that occur before this sentence

par_idx: int = 0

Zero-based index of paragraph in document

pause_after_ms: int = 0

Milliseconds to pause after this sentence

pause_before_ms: int = 0

Milliseconds to pause before this sentence

text: str

Text with normalized whitespace

text_spoken: str

Text with only spoken words and normalized whitespace

text_with_ws: str

Text with original whitespace

voice: str = ''

Voice (from SSML)

words: List[gruut.const.Word]

Words in the sentence

class gruut.const.SentenceNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False)

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Represents a sentence with WordNodes under it

node: int
class gruut.const.SpeakNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False)

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Top-level node for SSML

node: int
class gruut.const.TextProcessorSettings(lang, split_words=<function default_split_words>, join_str=' ', keep_whitespace=True, is_non_word=None, get_whitespace=<function default_get_whitespace>, normalize_whitespace=<function default_normalize_whitespace>, begin_punctuations=None, begin_punctuations_pattern=None, end_punctuations=None, end_punctuations_pattern=None, replacements=<factory>, abbreviations=<factory>, spell_out_words=<factory>, major_breaks=<factory>, major_breaks_pattern=None, minor_breaks=<factory>, minor_breaks_pattern=None, word_breaks=<factory>, word_breaks_pattern=None, is_maybe_number=<function has_digit>, get_ordinal=None, babel_locale=None, num2words_lang=None, default_currency='USD', currencies=<factory>, currency_symbols=<factory>, is_maybe_currency=<function has_digit>, dateparser_lang=None, is_maybe_date=<function has_digit>, default_date_format=InterpretAsFormat.DATE_MDY_ORDINAL, is_maybe_time=<function has_digit>, parse_time=None, verbalize_time=None, get_parts_of_speech=None, is_initialism=None, split_initialism=None, lookup_phonemes=None, guess_phonemes=None, pre_process_text=None, post_process_sentence=None)

Bases: object

Language specific settings for text processing

abbreviations: Dict[Union[str, re.Pattern], str]

Regex, replacement template pairs that may expand words after minor breaks are matched

babel_locale: Optional[str] = None

Locale used to parse numbers/dates/currencies (defaults to lang)

begin_punctuations: Optional[Set[str]] = None

Strings that should be split off from the beginning of a word

begin_punctuations_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides begin_punctuations

currencies: MutableMapping[str, str]

Mapping from currency symbol ($) to currency name (USD)

currency_symbols: Sequence[str]

Ordered list of currency symbols (decreasing length)

dateparser_lang: Optional[str] = None

Language used to parse dates (defaults to lang)

default_currency: str = 'USD'

Currency name to use when interpret-as=”currency” but no currency symbol is present

default_date_format: Union[str, gruut.const.InterpretAsFormat] = 'moy'

Format used to verbalize a date unless set with the format attribute of <say-as>

end_punctuations: Optional[Set[str]] = None

Strings that should be split off from the end of a word

end_punctuations_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides end_punctuations

get_ordinal: Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[int]]] = None

Returns integer value of an ordinal string (e.g., 1st -> 1) or None if not an ordinal

get_parts_of_speech: Optional[gruut.const.GetPartsOfSpeech] = None

Optional function to get part of speech for a word


Returns leading, trailing whitespace from a string

Return type

Tuple[str, str]

guess_phonemes: Optional[gruut.const.GuessPhonemes] = None

Optional function to guess phonemes for a word/role

is_initialism: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None

True if a word is an initialism (will be split with split_initialism)


True if a word may be an amount of currency (parsing will be attempted)

Return type



True if a word may be a date (parsing will be attempted)

Return type



True if a word may be a number (parsing will be attempted)

Return type



True if a word may be a clock time (parsing will be attempted)

Return type


is_non_word: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None

Returns true if text is not a word (and should be ignored in final output)

join_str: str = ' '

String used to combine text from words

keep_whitespace: bool = True

True if original whitespace should be retained

lang: str

Language code that these settings apply to (e.g., en_US)

lookup_phonemes: Optional[gruut.const.LookupPhonemes] = None

Optional function to look up phonemes for a word/role (without guessing)

major_breaks: Set[str]

Set of strings that occur at the end of a word and should break apart sentences.

major_breaks_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides major_breaks

minor_breaks: Set[str]

Set of strings that occur at the end of a word and should break apart phrases.

minor_breaks_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides minor_breaks


Normalizes whitespace in a string

Return type


num2words_lang: Optional[str] = None

Language used to verbalize numbers (defaults to lang)

parse_time: Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[gruut.const.Time]]] = None

Parse word text into a Time object or None

post_process_sentence: Optional[gruut.const.PostProcessSentence] = None

Optional function to post-process each sentence in the graph before post_process_graph

pre_process_text: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None

Optional function to process text during tokenization

replacements: Sequence[Tuple[Union[str, re.Pattern], str]]

Regex, replacement template pairs that are applied in order right after tokenization on each word

spell_out_words: Dict[str, str]

Written form, spoken form pairs that are applied with interpret-as=”spell-out” in <say-as>

split_initialism: Optional[Callable[[str], Sequence[str]]] = None

Function to break apart an initialism into multiple words (called if is_initialism is True)


Split text into words and separators

Return type


verbalize_time: Optional[Callable[[gruut.const.Time], Iterable[str]]] = None

Convert Time to words

word_breaks: Set[str]
word_breaks_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides word_breaks

class gruut.const.Time(hours, minutes=0, period=None)

Bases: object

Parsed time from text

hours: int
minutes: int = 0
period: Optional[str] = None

A.M. or P.M.

class gruut.const.Word(idx, text, text_with_ws, leading_ws='', trailing_ws='', sent_idx=0, par_idx=0, lang='', voice='', pos=None, phonemes=None, is_major_break=False, is_minor_break=False, is_punctuation=False, is_break=None, is_spoken=None, pause_before_ms=0, pause_after_ms=0, marks_before=None, marks_after=None)

Bases: object

Processed word from a Sentence

idx: int

Zero-based index of word in sentence

is_break: Optional[bool] = None

True if major or minor break

is_major_break: bool = False

True if word is a major break (separates sentences)

is_minor_break: bool = False

True if word is a minor break (separates phrases)

is_punctuation: bool = False

True if word is punctuation that surrounds a spoken word (quotes, etc.)

is_spoken: Optional[bool] = None

True if word is something that would be spoken during reading (not punctuation or break)

lang: str = ''

Language code

leading_ws: str = ''

Whitespace before text

marks_after: Optional[List[str]] = None

User-defined marks that occur after this word

marks_before: Optional[List[str]] = None

User-defined marks that occur before this word

par_idx: int = 0

Zero-based index of paragraph in document

pause_after_ms: int = 0

Milliseconds to pause after this word

pause_before_ms: int = 0

Milliseconds to pause before this word

phonemes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None

List of phonemes (None if not set)

pos: Optional[str] = None

Part of speech (None if not set)

sent_idx: int = 0

Zero-based index of sentence in paragraph

text: str

Text with normalized whitespace

text_with_ws: str

Text with original whitespace

trailing_ws: str = ''

Whitespace after text

voice: str = ''

Voice (from SSML)

class gruut.const.WordNode(node, element=None, voice='', lang='', implicit=False, text='', text_with_ws='', interpret_as='', format='', number=None, date=None, currency_symbol=None, currency_name=None, time=None, role=WordRole.DEFAULT, pos=None, phonemes=None, in_lexicon=None, lexicon_ids=None, is_maybe_number=True, is_maybe_date=True, is_maybe_currency=True, is_maybe_time=True, is_from_broken_word=False)

Bases: gruut.const.Node

Represents a single word

currency_name: Optional[str] = None
currency_symbol: Optional[str] = None
date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
format: Union[str, gruut.const.InterpretAsFormat] = ''
in_lexicon: Optional[bool] = None
interpret_as: Union[str, gruut.const.InterpretAs] = ''
is_from_broken_word: bool = False
is_maybe_currency: bool = True
is_maybe_date: bool = True
is_maybe_number: bool = True
is_maybe_time: bool = True
lexicon_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
number: Optional[decimal.Decimal] = None
phonemes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
pos: Optional[str] = None
role: Union[str, gruut.const.WordRole] = ''
text: str = ''
text_with_ws: str = ''
time: Optional[gruut.const.Time] = None
class gruut.const.WordRole(value)

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Role of a word. Used to disambiguate pronunciations.


Use default word pronunciation

LETTER = 'gruut:letter'

Word should be pronounced as a letter (a = /eɪ/ instead of /ə/)


Returns leading and trailing whitespace of a string

Return type

Tuple[str, str]


Replace multiple spaces with single space

Return type



Split text on whitespace

Return type



True if string contains at least one digit

Return type



Compile regex pattern if it’s a string

Return type


gruut.corpus2db module

Converts a Phonetisaurus G2P corpus to an sqlite database


Main entry point

gruut.g2p module

Grapheme to phoneme prediction using python CRF suite.

Training requires pre-aligned corpus in Phonetisaurus format.

The format of this corpus is:

t}t e}ˈɛ s}s t}t

Each line contains a single word, with graphemes and phonemes separated by “}”. Multiple graphemes are separated by “|”:

s|h}ʃ o|w}ˈoʊ

The empty phoneme is “_”:

w}w h}_ y}ˈaɪ


python3 -m gruut.g2p train --corpus g2p.corpus --output model.crf

Pre-trained models have the following settings:

  • c1 = 0

  • c2 = 1

  • max-iterations = 100

class gruut.g2p.GraphemesToPhonemes(crf_tagger, eps_phoneme='_', phoneme_join='|')

Bases: object

Grapheme to phoneme CRF tagger

static decode_string(s)

Decodes a string encoded by encode_string

Return type


static encode_string(s)

Encodes string in a form that crfsuite will accept (ASCII) and can be decoded

Return type


static grapheme2features(word, i, add_begin=True, add_end=True, chars_backward=3, chars_forward=3, bias=1.0, encode=True)

Create feature dict for single grapheme

Return type

Dict[str, Union[str, bool, int, float]]

static word2features(word, normalize=True, **kwargs)

Create feature dicts for all graphemes in a word


CLI method for predict


CLI method for test


CLI method for train


Main entry point

gruut.g2p.train(corpus_path, output_path, group_separator='}', item_separator='|', phoneme_join='|', eps_phoneme='_', remove_phonemes=None, c1=0.0, c2=1.0, max_iterations=100)

Train a new G2P model

gruut.g2p_phonetisaurus module

Guess word pronunciations using a Phonetisaurus FST

See bin/ to convert an FST to a numpy graph.

class gruut.g2p_phonetisaurus.PhonetisaurusGraph(graph, preload=False)

Bases: object

Graph of numpy arrays that represents a Phonetisaurus FST

Also contains shared cache of edges and final state probabilities. These caches are necessary to ensure that the .npz file stays small and fast to load.

g2p(words, **kwargs)

Guess phonemes for words

Return type

Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, Sequence[str]], Sequence[str], Sequence[str]]]

g2p_one(word, eps='<eps>', beam=5000, min_beam=100, beam_scale=0.6, grapheme_separator='', max_guesses=1)

Guess phonemes for word

Return type

Iterable[Tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[str]]]

static load(graph_path, **kwargs)

Load .npz file with numpy graph

Return type



Predict phonemes for words


Test performance relative a known lexicon


Main entry point

gruut.lang module

Language-specific settings

class gruut.lang.ArabicPreProcessText

Bases: object

Pre-processes text using mishkal

class gruut.lang.DelayedGraphemesToPhonemes(model_path, transform_func=None, **g2p_args)

Bases: object

Grapheme to phoneme guesser that loads on first use

class gruut.lang.DelayedPartOfSpeechTagger(model_path, **tagger_args)

Bases: object

POS tagger that loads on first use

class gruut.lang.DelayedSqlitePhonemizer(db_path, **phonemizer_args)

Bases: object

Phonemizer that loads on first use

class gruut.lang.FarsiPartOfSpeechTagger(lang_dir)

Bases: object

Add POS tags with hazm


Parse English ordinal string (e.g., 1st -> 1)

Return type



True if text is of the form TTS or T.T.S.

Return type



Parse English clock time (e.g. 4:01pm)

Return type



Convert time into words

Return type


gruut.lang.fa_post_process_sentence(graph, sent_node, settings)

Add e̞ for genitive case

gruut.lang.fr_has_silent_consonant(last_char, last_phoneme)

True if last consonant is silent in French

Return type



True if phoneme is a French vowel

Return type


gruut.lang.fr_post_process_sentence(graph, sent_node, settings)

Add liasons to phonemes

gruut.lang.get_ar_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Arabic

Return type


gruut.lang.get_cs_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Czech

Return type


gruut.lang.get_de_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for German

Return type


gruut.lang.get_en_us_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for English

Return type


gruut.lang.get_es_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Spanish

Return type


gruut.lang.get_fa_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Farsi

Return type


gruut.lang.get_fr_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for French

Return type


gruut.lang.get_it_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Italian

Return type


gruut.lang.get_nl_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Dutch

Return type


gruut.lang.get_pt_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create default settings for Portuguese

Return type


gruut.lang.get_ru_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Russian

Return type


gruut.lang.get_settings(lang, search_dirs=None, lang_dir=None, model_prefix=None, load_pos_tagger=True, load_phoneme_lexicon=True, load_g2p_guesser=True, **settings_args)

Get settings for a specific language

Return type


gruut.lang.get_sv_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Swedish

Return type


gruut.lang.get_sw_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Swahili

Return type


gruut.lang.get_zh_settings(lang_dir=None, **settings_args)

Create settings for Chinese

Return type


gruut.lexicon2db module

Converts a text lexicon to a gruut sqlite3 database


Main entry point

gruut.phonemize module

Class for getting phonetic pronunciations for tokenized text

class gruut.phonemize.SqlitePhonemizer(db_conn, lexicon=None, g2p_model=None, word_transform_funcs=None, casing_func=None)

Bases: object

Phonemizes text using a lexicon from a sqlite database

DEFAULT_ROLE: str = ''

gruut.pos module

Part of speech tagging using python CRF suite.

Credit to:

Training requires conllu package:

pip install conllu

Training data comes from Univeral Dependencies (


python3 -m gruut.pos train --conllu train.conllu --output model.crf --label xpos

Pre-trained models have the following settings:

  • c1 = 0.25

  • c2 = 0.3

  • max-iterations = 100

English model is trained with “xpos” label. French model is trained with “upos” label.

class gruut.pos.PartOfSpeechTagger(crf_tagger, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Part of speech tagger using a pre-trained CRF model

static decode_string(s)

Decodes a string encoded by encode_string

Return type


static encode_string(s)

Encodes string in a form that crfsuite will accept (ASCII) and can be decoded

Return type


static local_features(word, prefix='', bias=1.0, add_punctuation=True, add_digit=True, add_length=True, chars_front=3, chars_back=3, encode=True)

Get features for a single word

Return type

Dict[str, Union[str, bool, int, float, Sequence[str]]]

static sent2features(sentence, **kwargs)

Get features for all words in a sentence

Return type

List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, int, float, Sequence[str]]]]

static word2features(sentence, i, add_bos=True, add_eos=True, words_backward=2, words_forward=2, **kwargs)

Get features for a word and surrounding context

Return type

Dict[str, Union[str, bool, int, float, Sequence[str]]]


CLI method for predict


Print label set from a CONLLU file


CLI method for testing


CLI method for train_model


Main entry point

gruut.pos.train_model(conllu_path, output_path, label='xpos', c1=0.25, c2=0.3, max_iterations=100)

Train a new model from CONLLU data

gruut.text_processor module

Tokenizes, verbalizes, and phonemizes text and SSML

class gruut.text_processor.TextProcessor(default_lang='en_US', model_prefix='', lang_dirs=None, search_dirs=None, settings=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Tokenizes, verbalizes, and phonemizes text and SSML


Gets or creates settings for a language

Return type


post_process_graph(graph, root)

User-defined post-processing of entire graph

process(text, lang=None, ssml=False, pos=True, phonemize=True, post_process=True, add_speak_tag=True, detect_numbers=True, detect_currency=True, detect_dates=True, detect_times=True, verbalize_numbers=True, verbalize_currency=True, verbalize_dates=True, verbalize_times=True, max_passes=5)

Processes text or SSML

  • text (str) – input text or SSML (ssml=True)

  • lang (Optional[str]) – default language of input text

  • ssml (bool) – True if input text is SSML

  • pos (bool) – False if part of speech tagging should be disabled

  • phonemize (bool) – False if phonemization should be disabled

  • post_process (bool) – False if sentence/graph post-processing should be disabled

  • add_speak_tag (bool) – True if <speak> should be automatically added to input text when ssml=True

  • detect_numbers (bool) – True if numbers should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”number”)

  • detect_currency (bool) – True if currency amounts should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”currency”)

  • detect_dates (bool) – True if dates should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”date”)

  • detect_times (bool) – True if clock times should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”time”)

  • verbalize_numbers (bool) – True if annotated numbers should be expanded into words

  • verbalize_currency (bool) – True if annotated currency amounts should be expanded into words

  • verbalize_dates (bool) – True if annotated dates should be expanded into words

  • verbalize_times (bool) – True if annotated clock times should be expanded into words


text graph and root node

Return type

graph, root

sentences(graph, root, major_breaks=True, minor_breaks=True, punctuations=True, explicit_lang=True, phonemes=True, break_phonemes=True, pos=True)

Processes text and returns each sentence

Return type


words(graph, root, **kwargs)

Processes text and returns each word

Return type


gruut.utils module

Utility methods for gruut

gruut.utils.attrib_no_namespace(element, name, default=None)

Search for an attribute by key without namespaces

Return type


gruut.utils.find_lang_dir(lang, search_dirs=None)

Search for a language’s model directory by name.

Tries to find a directory by:

  1. Importing a module name gruut_lang_<short_lang> where short_lang is “en” for “en-us”, etc.

  2. Looking for <lang>/lexicon.db in each directory in order:

    • search_dirs

    • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gruut

    • A “data” directory next to the gruut module

  • lang (str) – Full language name (e.g., en-us)

  • search_dirs (Optional[Iterable[Union[str, Path]]]) – Optional iterable of directory paths to search first

Return type



Path to the language model directory or None if it can’t be found


Try to get currency names and symbols for a Babel locale.

Return type

Dict[str, str]


Dictionary whose keys are currency symbols (like “$”) and whose values are currency names (like “USD”)

gruut.utils.grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None)

Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks

gruut.utils.leaves(graph, node)

Iterate through the leaves of a graph in depth-first order


Split on whitespace if a space is present, otherwise return string as list of graphemes

Return type



s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), …

gruut.utils.pipeline_split(split_func, graph, parent_node)

Splits leaf nodes of tree into zero or more sub-nodes

Return type


gruut.utils.pipeline_transform(transform_func, graph, parent_node)

Transforms leaves of tree with a custom function

Return type


gruut.utils.print_graph(graph, node, indent='--', level=1, print_func=<built-in function print>)

Prints a graph to the console


Removes non-word characters from a string

Return type



Try to resolve language using aliases.


lang (str) – Language name or alias

Return type



Resolved language name

gruut.utils.sliding_window(iterable, n=2)

Returns a sliding window of size n over an iterable


Remove namespace from XML tag

Return type


gruut.utils.text_and_elements(element, is_last=False)

Yields element, text, sub-elements, end element, and tail

Module contents

gruut module

class gruut.TextProcessor(default_lang='en_US', model_prefix='', lang_dirs=None, search_dirs=None, settings=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Tokenizes, verbalizes, and phonemizes text and SSML


Gets or creates settings for a language

Return type


post_process_graph(graph, root)

User-defined post-processing of entire graph

process(text, lang=None, ssml=False, pos=True, phonemize=True, post_process=True, add_speak_tag=True, detect_numbers=True, detect_currency=True, detect_dates=True, detect_times=True, verbalize_numbers=True, verbalize_currency=True, verbalize_dates=True, verbalize_times=True, max_passes=5)

Processes text or SSML

  • text (str) – input text or SSML (ssml=True)

  • lang (Optional[str]) – default language of input text

  • ssml (bool) – True if input text is SSML

  • pos (bool) – False if part of speech tagging should be disabled

  • phonemize (bool) – False if phonemization should be disabled

  • post_process (bool) – False if sentence/graph post-processing should be disabled

  • add_speak_tag (bool) – True if <speak> should be automatically added to input text when ssml=True

  • detect_numbers (bool) – True if numbers should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”number”)

  • detect_currency (bool) – True if currency amounts should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”currency”)

  • detect_dates (bool) – True if dates should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”date”)

  • detect_times (bool) – True if clock times should be annotated in text (interpret_as=”time”)

  • verbalize_numbers (bool) – True if annotated numbers should be expanded into words

  • verbalize_currency (bool) – True if annotated currency amounts should be expanded into words

  • verbalize_dates (bool) – True if annotated dates should be expanded into words

  • verbalize_times (bool) – True if annotated clock times should be expanded into words


text graph and root node

Return type

graph, root

sentences(graph, root, major_breaks=True, minor_breaks=True, punctuations=True, explicit_lang=True, phonemes=True, break_phonemes=True, pos=True)

Processes text and returns each sentence

Return type


words(graph, root, **kwargs)

Processes text and returns each word

Return type


class gruut.TextProcessorSettings(lang, split_words=<function default_split_words>, join_str=' ', keep_whitespace=True, is_non_word=None, get_whitespace=<function default_get_whitespace>, normalize_whitespace=<function default_normalize_whitespace>, begin_punctuations=None, begin_punctuations_pattern=None, end_punctuations=None, end_punctuations_pattern=None, replacements=<factory>, abbreviations=<factory>, spell_out_words=<factory>, major_breaks=<factory>, major_breaks_pattern=None, minor_breaks=<factory>, minor_breaks_pattern=None, word_breaks=<factory>, word_breaks_pattern=None, is_maybe_number=<function has_digit>, get_ordinal=None, babel_locale=None, num2words_lang=None, default_currency='USD', currencies=<factory>, currency_symbols=<factory>, is_maybe_currency=<function has_digit>, dateparser_lang=None, is_maybe_date=<function has_digit>, default_date_format=InterpretAsFormat.DATE_MDY_ORDINAL, is_maybe_time=<function has_digit>, parse_time=None, verbalize_time=None, get_parts_of_speech=None, is_initialism=None, split_initialism=None, lookup_phonemes=None, guess_phonemes=None, pre_process_text=None, post_process_sentence=None)

Bases: object

Language specific settings for text processing

abbreviations: Dict[Union[str, re.Pattern], str]

Regex, replacement template pairs that may expand words after minor breaks are matched

babel_locale: Optional[str] = None

Locale used to parse numbers/dates/currencies (defaults to lang)

begin_punctuations: Optional[Set[str]] = None

Strings that should be split off from the beginning of a word

begin_punctuations_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides begin_punctuations

currencies: MutableMapping[str, str]

Mapping from currency symbol ($) to currency name (USD)

currency_symbols: Sequence[str]

Ordered list of currency symbols (decreasing length)

dateparser_lang: Optional[str] = None

Language used to parse dates (defaults to lang)

default_currency: str = 'USD'

Currency name to use when interpret-as=”currency” but no currency symbol is present

default_date_format: Union[str, gruut.const.InterpretAsFormat] = 'moy'

Format used to verbalize a date unless set with the format attribute of <say-as>

end_punctuations: Optional[Set[str]] = None

Strings that should be split off from the end of a word

end_punctuations_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides end_punctuations

get_ordinal: Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[int]]] = None

Returns integer value of an ordinal string (e.g., 1st -> 1) or None if not an ordinal

get_parts_of_speech: Optional[gruut.const.GetPartsOfSpeech] = None

Optional function to get part of speech for a word


Returns leading, trailing whitespace from a string

Return type

Tuple[str, str]

guess_phonemes: Optional[gruut.const.GuessPhonemes] = None

Optional function to guess phonemes for a word/role

is_initialism: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None

True if a word is an initialism (will be split with split_initialism)


True if a word may be an amount of currency (parsing will be attempted)

Return type



True if a word may be a date (parsing will be attempted)

Return type



True if a word may be a number (parsing will be attempted)

Return type



True if a word may be a clock time (parsing will be attempted)

Return type


is_non_word: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None

Returns true if text is not a word (and should be ignored in final output)

join_str: str = ' '

String used to combine text from words

keep_whitespace: bool = True

True if original whitespace should be retained

lang: str

Language code that these settings apply to (e.g., en_US)

lookup_phonemes: Optional[gruut.const.LookupPhonemes] = None

Optional function to look up phonemes for a word/role (without guessing)

major_breaks: Set[str]

Set of strings that occur at the end of a word and should break apart sentences.

major_breaks_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides major_breaks

minor_breaks: Set[str]

Set of strings that occur at the end of a word and should break apart phrases.

minor_breaks_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides minor_breaks


Normalizes whitespace in a string

Return type


num2words_lang: Optional[str] = None

Language used to verbalize numbers (defaults to lang)

parse_time: Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[gruut.const.Time]]] = None

Parse word text into a Time object or None

post_process_sentence: Optional[gruut.const.PostProcessSentence] = None

Optional function to post-process each sentence in the graph before post_process_graph

pre_process_text: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None

Optional function to process text during tokenization

replacements: Sequence[Tuple[Union[str, re.Pattern], str]]

Regex, replacement template pairs that are applied in order right after tokenization on each word

spell_out_words: Dict[str, str]

Written form, spoken form pairs that are applied with interpret-as=”spell-out” in <say-as>

split_initialism: Optional[Callable[[str], Sequence[str]]] = None

Function to break apart an initialism into multiple words (called if is_initialism is True)


Split text into words and separators

Return type


verbalize_time: Optional[Callable[[gruut.const.Time], Iterable[str]]] = None

Convert Time to words

word_breaks: Set[str]
word_breaks_pattern: Optional[Union[str, re.Pattern]] = None

Regex that overrides word_breaks


Set of supported gruut languages

Return type



True if gruut supports lang

Return type


gruut.sentences(text, lang='en_US', ssml=False, espeak=False, major_breaks=True, minor_breaks=True, punctuations=True, explicit_lang=True, phonemes=True, break_phonemes=True, pos=True, **process_args)

Process text and return sentences

  • text (str) – input text or SSML (ssml=True)

  • lang (str) – default language of input text

  • ssml (bool) – True if input text is SSML

  • espeak (bool) – True if eSpeak phonemes should be used

  • major_breaks (bool) – False if no sentence-breaking symbols in output

  • minor_breaks (bool) – False if no phrase-breaking symbols in output

  • punctuations (bool) – False if no word-surrounding symbols in output

  • **process_args – keyword arguments passed to TextProcessor.process


iterable of Sentence objects

Return type
